✓ Click on ACCOUNT on the top-right of the page. Log in if required. Click on ORDER STATUS. Below each order is a link for an INVOICE.
✓ If you have placed your order but could not upload personalisation details such as image or caption - you can do that now:
✓ Please give us all details and we will resolve this for you in 24 hours:
✓ We're sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please send us details of your order so we can resolve this:
✓ Please write to us and we will check and get back to you with a
resolution. Note that the following cannot be returned: products with open packages, gift vouchers, personalised products.
✓ You can use a variety of methods to pay:
Visa / Mastercard / Amex
All banks
PayTM, FreeCharge, OLA Money, Oxigen, PhonePe, Airtel Money, PayZapp, ITZ Cash, Paycash, Bhim UPI, Payumoney, Amex ezeClick
Visa / Mastercard / Amex
⇒ Direct cash deposit in our bank
✓ Most products can be delivered outside India. Below the name of each product you will see 'SHIPPED WORLDWIDE' if it is available for delivery in other countries. Shipping costs may be extra - these will be shown to you before you pay.
✓ Please tell us what
PRODUCT and what
PROBLEM you are facing. If you enter a phone number we can call to assist you:
✓ Please tell us which product you need information about. We will get in touch with you shortly. Enter a phone number if you
want us to call you back:
✓ Before placing an order please tell us the
WHEN you need it and in which
CITY. We will get back to you in 24 hours.
✓ Please send us more details or your phone so we can assist you with this:
✓ Some products may not be covered under COD because of logistics reasons. You can choose other payment methods such as cash deposit in bank or card / netbanking payments for these products.
✓ Write to us with what you need, where and when:
✓ Please write to us with details about your business and how you intend to sell our products. We will get back to you in 24 hours.
✓ Please write to us with a website link or catalog with details of MRP of your products. We will get back to you in 24 hours.
✓ Please write to us with details: